Nginx reverse proxy for subdomain only slow for Jellyfin

Ahhh I forgot to come back to this issue. So it turned out to be because I was using podman in place of docker. When podman is not run as root, networking is handled by slirp4netns. Running podman as root fixes my issues. I noted this progress in the github issue. I plan to, in the future, migrate to HAproxy. Will be interesting to see if this behaviour happens with nginx proxy or jellyfin itself. I omitted a lot of personnel details from the code which is why the domains don’t look legit.

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But why would you want to learn yet another reverse proxying technology (that btw has the same set of issues as nginx)

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Just wanna throw in traefik as it is more suited for container type of workloads than HAProxy (which is great as well, don’t get me wrong). It can also expose external services as well and optain and manage Wildcard Let’s Encrypt certificates.