Currently I have an iPad 3 and it has served my needs well enough, however with the recent iOS 8 update, there is a slight lag when opening apps, swiping through the ui, and even just when typing. Whether the a5x chip is just getting too old or there is some foul play from Apple, I would like to Make the switch to android. I was thinking about the nexus 9, however do you guys think that there will be nexus 10 refresh as I would like a larger tablet than the nexus 9.
I was gonna get an android tablet a while back. The nexus 9 was my only option. I think you would like it, vanilla android is great.
Ya I love stock android, I have a moto x and I love it, but idk what it will be like going from an almost 10 inch tablet to a 9 inch one.
My guess is no. The N10 did not sell very well, while the N7 did quite well for an Android tablet. As far as a Nexus goes, I'd guess that the 9 is going to be the form factor for awhile. You could look at a Samsung Tab S or an Asus Transformer, root, and install CyanogenMod.
I don't think so. Looks like the Nexus 6 and 9 are going to be it. Shame really. I loved the 7in form factor of the Nexus 7. Plus, from some of the reviews I've seen the Nexus 9's build quality, performance and just overall quality isn't very good.