Next pc case

well i was going to choose the cooler master haf but when i saw it in real life it is fucking HUGE! it looks awesome though so i going with an antec 1200 or should i go with a mid tower?

whats your choice for your next case

there are like 3 threads on cases i though i should make more

You think thats big?

have you seen the Thermaltake Xaser VI in real life, thats thing is so tall and huge.

I'd say mid, says money, and space, depends on you.

Antec 900 2

gosh two threads started on cases after I make the first one!

and yes I agree with ddr antec 900 II

21DD23 wrote 1 minute ago »

You think thats big?

have you seen the Thermaltake Xaser VI in real life, thats thing is so tall and huge.

I'd say mid, says money, and space, depends on you.

Antec 900 2

yah i saw the thermaltake xaser that thing made the haf look small

but i dont like big pc cases and pc cases with alot of stuff going on i like simple minimal sleek designs

i was thinking the 900 2 but i dont like the look of it compared to the 900/1200

xXxPathogenxXx wrote 3 minutes ago »

21DD23 wrote 1 minute ago »

You think thats big?

have you seen the Thermaltake Xaser VI in real life, thats thing is so tall and huge.

I'd say mid, says money, and space, depends on you.

Antec 900 2

yah i saw the thermaltake xaser that thing made the haf look small

but i dont like big pc cases and pc cases with alot of stuff going on i like simple minimal sleek designs

i was thinking the 900 2 but i dont like the look of it compared to the 900/1200

??? 900 II is a small 1200.

You cant expect a full tower to be small :D

Get Antec 900 II

get the 1200 or the HAF I regret NOT going full tower and you probably will to, the HAF and the 1200 are the two cases I would choose between for a full tower.

for cooling, 1200 is the road to take.

for quietness, get the p182 or cosmos 1000.

lol imagine how hot that thing gets

You should see my stacker case. Now thats huge!!

I think the following cases are a compltete waste unless sold at the following prices, and I have seen them all sold at the following prices except the antec 900 II:

antec 900 II: 100$

antec 900: 60$

antec 1200: $130 (thats how much i paid for mine)

antec 300: 50$ at the max

cosmos: 130$

And honestly the antec 900 II is so dumb IMO, just get a mid tower and mod it, it's more fun IMO and the price tag ATM is pretty ugly.

HAF is bomb... If you think its too big. GTFO, you have gone down even further in my books. If anyone goes for the 9 V2 over the 12 without a good enough reason they are absolutely retarded. Like look what they expect you to pay for a V2 compared to the 12... I would pay an extra 20 bucks for the 12 even if I didnt have enough shit to put inside. I would rather paint a 9 black and cut my own holes to my liking. Listen to KOkun and Prawn, they got sense. If you want a good design buy a case and mod it yourself... If you can't mod then stop maoning.

Sty1ez wrote 2 hours ago »

HAF is bomb... If you think its too big. GTFO, you have gone down even further in my books. If anyone goes for the 9 V2 over the 12 without a good enough reason they are absolutely retarded. Like look what they expect you to pay for a V2 compared to the 12... I would pay an extra 20 bucks for the 12 even if I didnt have enough shit to put inside. I would rather paint a 9 black and cut my own holes to my liking. Listen to KOkun and Prawn, they got sense. If you want a good design buy a case and mod it yourself... If you can't mod then stop maoning.

i have gone further down in your books =( cries

the only reason is that i dont have a lot of room and i cant fit a case the size of the HAF and i know the haf is a great case its just that i do not have the room for it.

do you see my point now?

put on desk...

Sty1ez wrote 55 seconds ago »

put on desk...

i dont have room on my desk or the floor if you saw how the area and the desk looked liek you would understand whant im taking about

the way the desk is made its supposed to fit on the floor

:P now you can rag on me cuz I have no desk..