The LAN is a weekly tech show that I, @kewldude007 and @jajone4 along with various community members host- and we'd like to have more input from everyone here in regards to news topics. So, here is a thread for that- throw any news you find that you would like us to possibly cover in the show here.
Each week the people in the show will go through and research each news topic, see if anyone in it wants to cover it and if/when we use it we'll tag or mention you in the thread for the show and in the doc for that week. (Probably also in the show itself as well).
If you are wanting to watch the show it goes live on as well as on here: Edit: This account was banned ... apparently it violated some terms of service or something. Probably due to the fact that the content was similar to the content on below non-banned content lol
So now it will be live here:
Every weekend. We shoot for either Saturday and 9:00 or Sunday at 9:00 PM CST, depending on when people are available (though we tend to do sundays lately.)
On a related note, if you would like to be in the show, just let me, or one of the people on the show (@kewldude007@jajone4@Tracer ... etc) know and we can invite you to the discord and G hangouts if you want.
@Alamar@Zoltan@othermods not sure if this is OK but thought it would be a good idea to have the community more involved as the idea is to have it be a community based tech show for the people here :D
I keep meaning to stop in and say hi/crash your party whatever/but I'm still building the space ship while we hurtle through interstellar space. At least we're not venting atmosphere anymore! ;)