Newegg Refurbished Laptops

Does anyone have any experience with refurbished laptops from newegg?

I'm looking at getting an Asus G75 from them since it's an amazing deal but I'm wondering if refurbished is too much of a risk...

If this is the laptop you are referring to...
If you're planning on using it for gaming, this is NOT the laptop you want.
If you're looking for one just to surf the web, and do general stuff, you can get one much cheaper.
And yes... refurbished is a risk, but not a bad one.

Really I'm looking for personal experience right now...

Why would you say a G75 is not suitable for gaming?  It has decent hardware, one of the best (widely considered THE best cooling systems) for laptops, it is easy to upgrade to more memory, you can install an ssd into it easily and more important then all of that it is $800 for a refurbished one.

That is legitametely the best bang for the buck I can find as far as gaming laptops go.

Granted I don't like that the battery life is 2 hours and the screen is the size of an airplane wing.  I'm also looking at it's little brother the g46vw Which fixes both of those issues but has a few of it's own.

Do you have a better suggestion for a solid midrange gaming laptop for sound $800-$900?

First, my roommate got a refurbished laptop from newegg and it's still working fine 3 years later. Now for the laptop... the NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660m is equivalent to a 4 year old desktop card, it can do gaming but it WILL struggle with newer games. As cooling is concerned, it's not as good as you think. You will need to get a third party cooling stand to get the frame rate up, those types of graphic cards scale to temperature. Might as well spend the money on a better laptop all together. If you're not willing or able to spend $1200+ on a gaming laptop, than yes you "can" play games on this one... but don't blame me if you're disappointed. I'm not trying to be mean but a $900 gaming desktop will blow the doors off a $900 gaming laptop... laptops sacrifice power for portability:( This laptop does have a good cpu, I'll give it that:) If you really feel strongly about this laptop, than get it. The power for price is... OK.

Ah that's good to hear.

I have been starting to put together parts for a desktop but I need a laptop partly for work and school but partly for LAN parties.  Also for a bit of context I'm coming from a year of gaming in integrated graphics so any card at all is a huge improvement.  According to most benchmarks both the g46 and the g75 will run cry3 at a playable frame rate (30+)

Also my budget is pretty tight I have $800 coming from the warranty on my dead laptop I'm replacing and that is about it (give or take $100)

I just havn't seen anything else competitive ion that price range.  (Some people like the Y500 but that is a bit more expensive for less other then graphics)