Newbe Question Fortran

I am currently taking a class that requires me to use fortran and i i am having difficulty with it running on 64 bit windows 7.  This is what i have done so far:

- Downloaded Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers

- Downloaded MinGW and installed following this :

I don't understand the path system variable, and entering it does not solve the 2 path related errors that i get.

Line of code:

!work you bastard

program poot

implicit none

print *, 'hahahaha'

end program

errors i receive:

Program "gcc" not found in PATH

Program "make" not found in PATH


Hi jcat187


I think that the path variable that it talks about is a environment variable that you need to set so the IDE knows where the compiler etc is. Like when you try to use eclipse for java it will ask you for your path so it knows where the compiler and JVM is.


To get to your path variables

control panel -> System ->advanced ->environment variables.

 You will probably need to set it to the directory that you used for the install.

i got it to work with the modified path variable to fstab in MinGW. Thanks