New to server hardware and need some help

I am a cyber security student and want to build a server for practical and experience to show future employer’s. First issue is components. Are the following cpu and motherboard compatible?

Supermicro X10DAL-i ATX 2x Socket LGA2011-3 Intel C612 DDR4 Server Motherboard

Intel Xeon E5-2650 v3 10-Core 2.3GHz SR1YA 2011-3

Saw these on eBay and am considering pulling the trigger.

The end goal is to run a nas, DNS, Linux virtual machines, and a pfsense vm for now. I figured 20 cores and 40 threads would be a good start.

Also, would UnRaid be a good option for this project? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Leif_Byrge-Liebig, I like your idea; I designed and installed a networking lab, I purchased and will be installing today, for now at least, the last piece of equipment for it. In case you are wondering, the last piece I purchased was a Raspberry Pi so that I could move my Pi-Hole VM onto a dedicated machine.

I did a quick google search and found the manual for the exact model motherboard you are considering. If the manual list’s the CPU you consider purchasing as compatible, it should be compatible. Supermicro X10DAL-i

I personally shy away from purchasing items on ebay. The reason I have heard too many horror stories of sellers selling items that don’t work or the buyer receives an item he didn’t order, and of course, the seller is long gone, and the buyer can’t get his money back. Instead of purchasing your equipment from Ebay, I would suggest looking at craigslist, check your local Universities and business, or if you don’t live too far from a recycling plant.


Cool. Thank you. I wasn’t understanding the v# at the end of them and wasn’t sure how it affected the compatibility. That is a good idea with checking universities.

I have most of these things running rn but on junk hardware. Maybe it is time to consolidate and upgrade…

ebay has a very easy refund thing ive gotten my money back in a week or two from sketchy chinese vendors because paypal or ebay takes the hit if im not mistaken

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