I am planning on diving into pfsense for my home. For the record im pretty good on hardware, been building machines since the early 90’s, but unfortunately not too savvy on networking, so im expecting this journey to be a steep learning curve!
So i guess my first question is, can one of you guys point me to a good and ‘relatively’ easy to follow guide online? I’ve done some searching around and there’s a lot of articles out there, but which would you recommend personally?
I have some old hardware lying around i’ll try experimenting with, if all goes well, then I’ll be more than happy to upgrade it in the future to something more robust.
If you can also let me know if the following should suffice to get started with?
Gigabyte N3050m-d3p - mobo / soc, only a dual core celery, but i got it new for 17 gbp, so was hoping this would be ok just to play with?
8GB RAM - crucial, bog standard stuff
64GB Transced SSD
I did note than many recommend an Intel nic, so I’ve just ordered a Intel Pro/1000PT 1Gb/s Dual Port NIC x3959 - will this be ok? I wanted to avoid the onboard nic on the mobo so got a dual port NIC, and got this for only 15 pounds.
That’s pretty much it, im assuming the onboard gpu will be fine.
For my home I have my internet with Pulse8, 65/20 going into a Zyxel VMG3925-B VDSL. This is downstairs next to the master socket, i then run cat5e up to a netgear gs208 8 port switch in my computer room. I’ll also want to be adding a NAS at some point for media server using Freenas (another learning curve there!).
I hope that’s enough info? I look forward to your thoughts! If there’s anything that stands out as tragically wrong please let me know