New to pc gaming want to build a gaming pc

hi so i have always been a console person but after years of buying over priced games and graphics being so much better on pc i would like to know how to build a gaming pc. I need to know how to build one from scratch. my budget is £500

thanks in advance


Read the topic I've linked below or the only I'll recommend to you is a console. Huehuehueheuhe


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Went ATX sized, with an 860K + 290, I also don't know why the N400 is cheaper than the N200 there. Ended up going over budget a bit though, but it includes a mouse+keyboard.

Why can't US retailers be more like the UK and not have mail in rebates plastered all over the place.

290+860k? Is that CPU good enough? Sounds a touch out of balance...

That's pushing 860k and 290 would drop down to a 270x with the 860k since its a more balanced setup.

380 is reachable in this budget with a nice cooler and 120GB SSD.