Thank you all. I have to say I'm impressed already, as you lot seem to be far more cordial then some other communities where I've expressed similar-ish concerns. So I'll let ya'll in on a little secret. What could possibly go wrong. :P
I'm chasing a dream ya'll. I already have a majority of the knowhow, I just need to show off what I know. This project of mine doesn't just have the possibility for building, learning, and knowing how to make a kickass PC, with a kickass OS. It has the possibility to get me my Dream Job if I can pull the right cards with it. Then I'd be using it for my job. Enthusiasm just doesn't even begin to cover it. I'm literately making and seizing my opportunity.
I do realize I'm going from 0 to 100. Yet I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't feel like I could manage it which may seem odd on your end. My dilemma is data. If I could have found some magical list of compatibility, protocol and relationships I wouldn't have needed to make this post. Measure twice cut once.
So instead of quoting everyone and responding to each line, which I generally would do, I'm going give more information and my overall thoughts due to over lapping observations.
Why the obviously overly expensive Broadwell E 10 core? Why the Titan X Pascal?
Alright...geez. If you think this project I'm on right now in finding the right Distro and VM Windows mix is fun, let me tell ya, my search in figuring out the hardware was just as fun. Some of the reasons are actually mentioned in my original post. Again - Linus helped a bunch here. My needs are unique as I basically need all the things but don't really have alot of cash. Might not look that way in PCPartpicker, but.. yeah. Simply trust that much fun was had making variant after variant after variant. Then I would check again. Weigh the pros with the cons, till we get to what I linked to in the original post. Speaking of weight, what had the most importance? Well, the main bulk of what I do is real time, or aimed towards real time. Hence Unreal 4. Hence a beefy video card that ISN'T a Quadro. Yet, in some of the things I do will require rendering. This is so that I can do some artsy magic to make rendered magic happen in a real time. In essence what I was trying to figure out was how to make a Gaming Workstation. It needs to be able to do all the things well. Yet realtime is key.
Why the Broadwell E? The core speeds and the abilities of turbo boost 3.0. That isn't all, but the next reason segways nicely into the GPU. Don't get me wrong through, it is a heavy premium. Yet whatever is finally chosen, will be what I use in till failure or total obsolescence. I'll make sure I get my money's worth with time. Anywho, what is the difference between a Quradro & Geforce? The Price ? Yes. That isn't the only difference, with drivers, and market focus but honestly. The price. Geez. Since most of my work relies more on the realtime then the rendering anyway (which is where drivers come in), I felt that the one Pascal Titan X was the way to go. Why one? Well, here is a fun fact! Autodesk programs have not been programmed, apparently, to be able to use GPU in SLI. So if you have two GPUs the program will only see one of them. My jaw dropped when I came across that tidbit. It's honestly too stupid to believe, but in my search to verify, it seems indeed to be the case. Likewise Adobe has not made it so that their applications like Photoshop or Premiere take advantage of any extra cores as most processes are best with single threads. In most benchmarks I've seen Adobes stuff has worked better on a Skylake i7-6700K (which I was considering at one time). Thus - the Broadwell E. While it won't be a good as the Skylake, the Turboboost 3.0 function will help give a better of both worlds. Otherwise yea - Xeon & Quadro FTW.
All that said through, when I was building this Windows 10 was the bare metal OS I was going to boot to. Heh. Tooo boot to. Such has changed. Now not only do I need to run CPU and GPU intensive programs, in some cases I need to do it over a VM! Which changes things. I'm hopeful that a type one hypervisor such as what KVM can do that it can give me the clearance I need, but, really. Since I have never even used a VM before, I don't even know where to start. That doesn't even bring Linux into the fold, that's a whole another thing entirely. So yeah. I sure know how to make things interesting. Then again, that is what I'm trying to get paid to do, more or less. sigh
I'm just smart enough to know how dumb I am. You can quote me on that.
All that said, is there anything AMD can do that Intel or Nvidia can't do?
OS & Programs
So why not just dual boot? Windows 10. The only reason why I'm even beholden to windows are the programs I HAVE to use. As long as I can run the programs, windows doesn't mean shit. Or does it? It's getting so hard to tell these days. If I'm running windows 10 bare metal then I'm running into the very problems that brought me to conclude I should use Linux in the first place. At least in a VM I can sandbox windows. I think.
So then why Gentoo? Alright. So this is far more recent, as recent as about a week after the Barnacules video I've linked in my original post above. The reason I liked Gentoo, based on what I read, was its ability to be customized, and its potential to be CRAZY efficient. At least on paper. Creating the kernel from scratch, from my reading, seems to be like creating a cast mold OS to the hardware it's self. You literally install ONLY what you need. At the very least that SOUNDS really good. And since I don't know any better, NOW is the best time to run the hardest thing as I have no idea how easy it can really be. AND! AND! I'll learn a lot in the process. At the very least - that SOUNDS good. Add that to what I need to do with the VM, and... hopefully you can see the logic. That said, some of you have given me a reason to check again, so I shall. I shall double check for stability.
It's also true a hardened Distro would be best for servers, but I honestly don't like the direction we are headed digitally. Shit in 2007 I was leery about the potential security downfalls of smartphones & facebook. I can't seem to decide if we, in the digital realm, are moving towards and are in 1984 or a Brave New World. Honestly its probably both if at all, simply because we can. Regardless if we should. Don't get me wrong I'm not putting any tinfoil over my windows...well. I guess I am digitally. :P (HA!)
I digress through, as my biggest concern at this point is ransomware and theft. I know (I know?) that Linux is far more secure by default then Windows & Mac, but if I can throw in an extra layer of encryption or sandboxing or whatever - why not? Especially since this computer may very well act as my source for living in society. My bread an' butter. I don't know that, but it's a possibility to be considered.
I mean shit... I'm doin' all this anyway.
As for KDE, As analytical as I may be, I like pretty things. Wendell likes candy. I like design. KDE may be as bloated as a dead whale, but I don't care. Does that make any sense after what I talk about with Gentoo? NOPE! Do I care? I'm sorry I can't hear you over how delicious this candy is. OM NOM NOM. Also I need a bitchin file manager.
In the end it's all about the VM Tech. I don't really have much to say here because, for the moment, it's what I'm the most clueless about. All I know is that there are performance costs, not even factoring in whatever I'm doing in Linux. My hope is to find some way to make the potential performance drop less than 3%, but I don't know if that is even feasible. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I'll find something no one else did because its "impossible". YEAH! Or I'm fucked but don't realize it yet. YEAH!....oh..wait. Oh. :P
I'll look up the VFIO Blog.
I have to use Photoshop. I have to use Autodesk programs. Not only because they are the industry standard, meaning entrenched, but I also have plug ins that only work in those programs. Some of which will be proprietary. It's "bad" enough I'm trying desperately to break free of windows at home. Yet for the programs that are my bread and butter, I'm shackled to them. Through if any of you have the power to change what an industry at large uses every day, I would love to see it. Having said that, sorry ya'll. I don't see Gimp or Blender going mainstream in the uber big leagues any time soon. Thus, why I go to such lengths. Also - let's not forget about Unreal 4, as that is what everything is going in to.
With all that said, I'm going to throw one more thing at ya'll, because I don't understand the idea of "limits". :P
Something I came across that I find interesting, but don't understand. It's rather dated at 4 years old, but basically this guy hated having to boot up a VM window every time he wanted to use a windows program, so he does something with:
1) a single KVM VM running Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise,
2) Microsoft's RemoteApp protocol and RemoteApp Publishing
3) FreeRDP - a Linux cmd line tool that supports RemoteApp & RemoteFX protocols
4) WinConn - a GUI front-end to FreeRDP
... to make it as if he was in windows, but in linux. This it totally something I'm intrigued by as window real estate is a big deal for me. I know, I need to make sure what I have actually WORKS first. Yes I know. Still cool. Still something I'm interested in possibly replicating what I get to that point. So. Here it is.
And it's as simple as that! Oh. Is that all? :P
I can't seem to recall what clip, but somewhere Wendell mentioned that the day Linux gets seamless windows and mac "emulation" (I forget the word used) , is the day Linux truly takes over the world. I agree.
WHEW! I hope that's everything. Geez. Heh.
TL;DR - Fuck it. This guy crazy. Run while you still can!! AAAAHH! IT GOT M-!! Odd gargling noises