New Stretch Goals for Jolla's Tablet

Jolla has added new stretch goals for their pretty cool tablet on Indiegogo. They have already met their funding goal by a long shot. Jolla has already made and shipped a Phone. In Europe their phone actually outsold the Iphone. Jolla was started by the the team who created Meego at Nokia. This is a the real deal it runs Sailfish Linux using QT and RPM package manager. It runs full Android apps and more native apps are coming daily. The OS is community based and they do not retain your data.

$1.5 million- MicroSDXC 128GB support

$1.75 million- Spit screen support

$2.5 million- Support of Cellular Internet

That's great, but shouldn't these already be implementations? Jolla has earned a little over a million which is nearly four times their goal.

they added it because the funding happened so fast it caught them off guard. They are more or less a thank you to the funders

They say:
Making each of these features has a cost, some of them very significant cost. We need large volumes to be able to make all the features and upgrades, and also want to hear if these are the features you want and see valuable. In particular the cellular connectivity has demanding certification and field testing requirements.

I love that it has x86. I think I'll get one.

The OS is community based and they do not retain your data......uh huh and eventual cellular carriers do not retain your data ether lol

it looks like just another option to choose from the bookshelf of models already available

as for people power....ugh don't get me started

They don't retain data just like Opensuse or any other Linux distro doesn't retain your data. The carrier, well they can't do anything about that.

The model can install RPM pakages and android apps. And Sailfish is much faster than Android. I run both on my Nexus 5.

What is wrong with people powered? Linux, which Sailfish is part of is people powered. Linux is is a huge industry worth Billions so apparently it works.

They Have met the SD card goal so groovy on that hopefully they will hit the next one.

usually small projects get consumed by bigger entities is all

i'll have to try out sailfish though :)

If I can run android roms I may buy one.

you only have one day to do it. There phone can do it so i see no reason why their tablet wouldn't

Sailfish OS supports installation of RPM and APK files. Why use a ROM that isn't based off of Sailfish? In terms of potential, Android is obselete in comparison. 

Linux is people powered. Let's say somehow Jolla messes up a Sailfish release, it's open, so what's preventing you and the community from developing a fix? As for government loopholes, if there are any, it would have to be running as root, and as such could easily be traced to the package thus you could uninstall said software. If it were on the kernel level, recompiling the kernel isn't rocket science.

It just hit the split screen goal, so it has that and support for 128gb sd cards. Pretty sweet if you ask me. Five hours left.

I want one!

A day too late but they did say they will be selling them after the 1st run goes out.

i'm curious if this could be installed on a Samsung Galaxy Note Tablets. like the 10.1 or the 12.2


Check XDA forums there might be a port. They have a port for the Nexus Tablets.