Although I don't think the release dates have much to do with Piracy. Alot of the leaks in music come from people that get to preview the CD and decide to rip it and up it sometimes months before the release anywhere. *cough*kindalikemeceptidontupload*cough*
lol... I think the release dates can affect piracy a little...
like gabe newell said, pirates provide better customer service... they make things available sooner and in areas where they are normally not available.
maybe if the product was available in a certain area there would be less piracy in that area... maybe.
mike scalzi said he doesnt really care about piracy anyway, he views it just as his music reaching more people.
What're you views on downloading music? I think I heard you mention that music should be abused and that "spoiled little bastards" like Lars Ulrich (hehehe) are the only ones who have something to lose from getting their music downloaded. Do you think music is something that comes from the soul and something that shouldn't be done for money, or should people pick up a microphone and start making millions like so many of the talentless musicians that are producing rubbish "music"?
Id love to make money from music, but I dont believe that the world owes me anything, and if people can download my music for free and not have to pay for it then all the better. Why should people have to pay to hear me? They can pay to see me live; I make my music for everyone. Let them download it and then theyll pay to see me live and see if I can really pull it off. Its all about live!!!!