I have created a petition on whitehouse.gov against the ISPs who have refused to run fiber under the telecommunications act of 1996, and i would like it if everyone at least read it, and sign if you agree. In Houston where I live the Comcast monopoly is so bad that we can't even watch our local pro football teams on cable and our internet prices are outrageous. I pay the same amount that Google charges for just 50 Mbps internet. In my petition i mentioned that if Comcast or other ISPs who got this tax break don't at least make an attempt to upgrade their infrastructure, then they must pay back the money they got to do it and the Government can give it to someone else. it can be found at he link below. If the white house at least responded maybe the ISPs would see that people are pissed at them for their terrible service.
If you put this on The Tek thank you to Logan and Wendell for getting the word out.
If you have any complaints post it on this forum i would love some constructive criticism.