Hey guys i built a pc about a year ago, While i play games the mouse seems not smooth or studdery but is is very annoying and makes me not want to play any pc games.
i keep all drivers up to date, i have done the markc mouse accel fix, iv tried all kinds of dpi settings via mouse and in game settings, i have tried several mice and pads nothing seems to fix my issue any fix for this or is it something i just have to deal with.
pc specs Asrock z77 extreme 6 motherboard intel core i5-2500k processor g-skill 8 gig 1866 ram western digital caviar green 500gb hdd Rosewill hive 750 watt power supply nvidia gtx 480 gpu arctic silver cooler thermaltake a31 case razer death adder 3.5g infer red mouse windows 7 home premium 64bit
Are things laggy only in games? When you are just using the PC for desktop applications(internet surfing, listening to music, watching YouTube) is the mouse laggy? Also what type of games are you playing, and at what settings. Is it just the mouse or do you also experience frame lag?
Read this. It might help. I had this happen to me and this link helped. It was a different mouse but it had something to do with the games I was playing.
I don't know. You might have already tried that. If the mouse problem persists then the only thing I could recommend is reinstall Win7 or upgrade to windows 8. Only reinstall if you have done everything you can possibly do with the drivers and new mice.
My games run great i get good frames i usually use v-sync and i get 60 all time with small drops to like 58 but still jittery without v sync, and yea i can notice the cursor is jittery even in desktop. it happens in every game i play battlefield 3, left for dead 2, mmo's all games. i have re installed windows several times no fix there as well. I will continue to play with graphics settings and pre rendered frames but so far no fix.