Hello my name is brock i am a nerd hacker (noobish hacker) gamer and pc junky i have have Cerabal palsy and the greatest feeling for me is even tho i am disabiled, i can build a very good pc. The current pc i have is a ASUS P5N-D and q6600 23 mghz and enforce 8800 gt with 3 gigs of ram do i need to upgrade to something better for crysis 3 or far cry 3 or do i just need a better GPU please let me know. ps i have been watching logan since his days on tiger direct and he is responsable for helping me teaching me ( through his videos) to buld the current comp i am on. So thank you Logan <<< said like macho man randy savage ohhhh yeaaaaa
oh and i also wanna play skyrim and next gen tittles i origonaly made this comp for Age of conan (ya ...... i wont get into that)