New Pc Gamine/editing $1500

I want to build a pc for 1500 that can render fast but is able to play some of the newest games such as Battlefield 4 on the highest setting. Whats the best hardware for doing this build? Also wich cpu would be best fx 8350 or i7 3770k?

because your buget is 1.5k you should go with a i7 3770k or get a haswell.the fx 8350 will be very close to the i7 for gaming and rendering but the i7's do beter for encoding and most everything else. saveing $100 might let you get a 500gb ssd that seems to be the only advantage i can see with going with an FX cpu in your case.  on the other hand with the rebates in the build below you could hold off and buy a larger ssd after you get some money back.

this is what i put to geather for you EDIT*  (now with 16gb ram)

EDIT same build with a 512 gb ssd

intel also supports boot from pci where amd does not. So if you get a raid card in the futrue you can use your os on it.

This is on the money for processing power.

i7-4770 and gtx 780, it has a 128 SSD and a 1TB HDD.

I think this would suit you very well and you could get a second SSD later when prices drop on larger drives.


While a 780 is faster than a 7970. The reduction of storage space might be to small. if he is editting large media files the more storage space the beter. I rebuild your build with an 680 (with is asfast as the 770 but is cheaper than the 770) and included large stoarge. I know from using my cad programs that once i put windows pro and my three CAD programs on a 120gb ssd I had about 20 gb to play with.

Also for my earler build if Airsuperballs is editing videos, Airsuperballs will need atleast 16gb ram 32 is recommended.


Well the OP said he didn't need more storage. He stated a 120 gb ssd and a 1 TB drive which is in by build. Storage is also cheap and easy enough to upgrade later, unlike processors and graphics cards.

okay, he must have changed his post. What do you think of this build?

780 and 256 gb ssd and 1tb hd

The larger SSD is nice, but I am not a fan of zalman cases. They aren't very functional as far as dust control. The fan lay outs are off and they have a lot of holes for dust to come in. Also, I chose the galaxy 780 because it performs as well as a titan and has superior cooling. Lastly, The noctua cooler is dead quiet and cools very well. You can get a high overclock on it and still keep the noise silent.

Now that said, a 256 gb SSD is really nice and you can poot a lot of programs on that so they will run fast. It just depends on what the OP prefers. I have an 80gb intell SSD and 2x 500 gb HDD's. the OS and regular programs on the SSD, games on a dedicated HDD, and backup+media on the second HDD. I get great performance this way, and the drives will last longer, but having my games on the SSD would run faster.

Thank you guys for the help


Im happy to have helped, but I am curious as to what you decided. What this helpful at all?

This was very helpfull im probably going to get the i7 4770k and gtx 770

This is what i have picked out

looks like a very nice system man. gratz.