I need help building a PC i can put it together myself (pretty sure at least) but i have no idea what the difference is between a good part or a bad one. i have a build that a few users helped me build on here a while back and i want to know if it is still up to date. Also i am looking to learn as much as i can about computers.
Well first, we need to know what your budget is, and what you plan to do whether gaming, editing, working with special programs or basic web browsing. How much room do you want it to take up? Do you have a brand preference? How much storage do you need? Chances are your post from a while ago is lost under tons of other posts so we will need to be brought back up to speed of what your plans are and then we can help ya out.
okay my budget is $700, id like to stay under it if possible but i will go up to it. im going to be using this computer for gaming purposes. i have no brand preference because i barely know the components purposes. as for room i would like to stick to that case because i like the look and the inside and it is affordable.
er.... what case? anyways...
that should work
Looks pretty good.
what about SSD? i know it isnt needed but the read and writes are always much faster
At this budget, I'd pass. It'd be a good upgrade option down the road, though.
that's a good point. thanks for the help. how do you think this system would fair playing games like arma, dayz, and bf4?