Hey guys I just got some new parts recently and I am super excited for sure. I ended up putting a second gtx 780 in the beast and she is screaming. However my best friend has to be so competitive he just bought a second gtx 970 just to get ahead of me. Other than that our machines are practically the same. Only differences are the mobo/graphics cards. My question is do you think I will still be able to pull ahead of him in 3d mark? I definitely have the advantage of more overclocking experience on my side. Still I doubt that I can beat him looking at all the other scores people are getting. If I don't end up scoring higher its not a total loss because I actually paid for all my parts where as he keeps getting crap from grandma/girlfriend but still I am a competitive person as well.
970 scores close to 780, but 970 has better oc possibilities
maybe you can watercool your gpu's then you'll be able to get really high overclocks
i dont think he has that much money to spend
I could afford a loop however I was hoping to stay away from it. The maintenance does not interest me too much. Now that I think about it that is not a bad idea. It would be the time to make the loop that would be hard for me right now. Maybe I should stop being so competitive ha.
whoever has the most money is always going to have more powerful components, u know i would like an x99 system with 980 quad sli, but i cant afford it. There are always people with more money than u that can buy more expensive stuff. DEAL WITH IT)))
pour water on your friends pc. you win.
i guess that one way of doing things)))
well that i can't afford.. not to mention I would never have more than 2 gpus anyways. The only x99 set up that I would have been able to afford would be the 5820 and a cheaper board at the time. However I am doing quite well at work so over time I can accumulate some nicer parts than ever before.
OMG you are a genius. I didn't think of that.