ok system is as follows: i7 5930k Asrock X99 Professional/3.1 Swiftech H-240X samsung 850 M.2 Mushkin Redline Quad channel 16GB DDR4 2800 kit
currently they are running at 2133
hey so... i could get my system to 4.6 stable... i dropped it back to 4.5... to give xmp profile a go on my ram... it comes out at 127.5 BCLK on its XMP profile.... and using the asrock bios having different options/more "tweaking" options from most tutorials around, im a little confused as to what to do next.... like system agent voltage settings use offsets instead of voltage inputs and overrides etc etc.
if my BCLK is 127.5 and my OC before that was 4.5 (45) do i need to go in and turn down my oc to 35? im so lost lol
and yes i have read a lot of stuff just missing some assumed knowledge gaps....and experience....and lack of technical terms.....
does anyone have any experience with this bios that could point me in the right direction?
will post stress test..... looks like i may have it stable at 4.517 @1.294v and ram at [email protected] (think i will attempt to lower these incrementally now...)
....stiil need to explore other settings but i am unsure... temp is ok nothing above 80
i need to reapply my thermal paste i think have 3 cores an average 10 degrees above the other 3 2 maxed temped at 65 1 at 71 1 at 75 1 at 77 1 at 80 (all maxes) during OCCT stress test for 1hr...... with avx disabled
Chances are that the hot cores are caused by the shitty TIM used under the IHS on that CPU. Go Intel! Hence the reason that everyone and their brother is delidding their Intel CPUs.
You cant pull apart a soldered CPU nearly as easily as one of the mainstream intel chips. Because then you need to heat the IHS up to 120c for the solder to even melt.
Try selecting XMP 2800 in the bios, then turn the baseclock down to 125mhz. Then keep the 15-15-15-35-50 timings at 1.25 CPU (INPUT) voltage at 1.9 CPU voltage at 1.25 or whatever you get 4.5ghz with Bump system agent voltage by 0.1 Bump cache voltage by 0.1
See if it boots, 127mhz baseclock should be fine though.
yea the settings on asrock bios are different for changing the chache/agent voltage etc hence y i was perplexed (not at home atm), will look again when im home :( couldnt find a heap on system agent voltage descriptions/how it is measured/done etc so i could figure it out for myself. know of any links/sites that may be of use? again, appreciate the help :D