Yeah, I don't know why they keep insisting on it. I dislike their design so much that I'm not even willing to consider their stuff. Price/performance difference between Noctua and some of their competitors would have to be much greater for me to ignore the aesthetics.
I'm not gonna be impressed until they make proper fans (that aren't the noisier redux and PPC fans) that aren't that color scheme. It makes no sense to me. I feel like Noctua would make much more of a mint if only they'd just break down and give their fans normal colors rather than beige and poop-brown. if I didn't know better I would have thought it was a sadistic dick move by Noctua.
"Hey, PC enthusiasts, we made a really really neat fan that outperforms the competition in noise. Oh, you want some? well, you're gonna have to show us how much you REALLY want them."
You know when the fans are shit colored.. your doing it wrong
In all seriousness I think they need to try and beat the vardars.. More competition
Well yeah Noctua makes some decent fans.
However there are manny other brands who make decent fans aswell.
But the asthetic design of their fans is just.... well .....
poop? lol
anyways they do but I honestly have had thoughts.. why does cfm matter more on case fans.. in theory if you are trying to create high positive pressure in a case.. wouldnt higher static pressure fans work better than high cfm
that saddens me...
They are ugly since there isn't to much you can do to make them look good. I did make them look pretty good in a build once, 990FX Sabertooth with copper fittings clear tubing and copper cold plates w/ plexi tops.