New Motherboard and Processor $300 Budget for Gaming/Recording Studio Workstation

I know my budget is kinda low but I need a new motherboard and CPU because not only is what I have dated but the motherboard is starting to go as far as what sevenforums is telling me. Crashing all the time from weird things like just firefox but gaming nada. Anyway here's what I have.

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T


LIke I said it's starting to get old but the 1055T still works like a beast with most things.

 Here's what I am thinking. Because my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) utilizes multicore I think the 8350 might be the way to go with my budget. I've been reading that it does use all 8 cores when setting the computer to high performance. I would think maybe like a 3770k would be a good choice because of hyperthreading but it's kinda out of my budget. Also I won't be doing much/any overclocking really so I think I can get away with a $100 mobo.


What do you guys think?

Amzing 8 core CPU and an Amazing motherboard for the current price of it. You can even overclock pretty heavily on it if you do ever wish to do so.

Very Nice! Thanks!