New Modded Server up! Need volunteers!

Hi everyone!

I just got an old machine from a neighbor and put it to use running Debian with OpenJDK. I set up SpaceBukkit and MCPC+ on it, and it works well. I have a very basic Minecraft 1.6.4 modded server set up now. There are no mods as of the time of this writing, but I am going to add quite a few.

I am using the Technic platform to host the modpack files. If you don't already have the Tekkit launcher, grab it, and put in this as the platform URL for the pack.

I will be adding more plugins and mods as time goes, and I NEED VOLUNTEERS TO BE MODERATORS!! Very little knowledge of Linux will be needed, although if you know Linux inside and out that's fantastic and I still want help. If you want to help, let me know by posting here, and we can PM about the details. I can set you up a SpaceBukkit account within about 1 day.


I am looking for a few people to help do modding for it. I am taking suggestions for mods to add, plus I've got a few I'd personally like. Again, we are using Forge modloader with Minecraft 1.6.4, and the Technic platform to distribute it.

Also, if anyone wants to help host all help is welcome! If other people want to host, I would be very happy. If your machine has 2GB or more of RAM and a decent (mine is a celeron) CPU, its fine. I want to set up a sync system between the machines for failover, maybe we can even do some automagic DNS failover (cough cough Wendell HELP!) but either way we can at least sync files and have multiple DNS records.


If you join now, you will be dropped at a very primitive spawnpoint, with almost nothing in the world except nature. I have been getting the networking mess straightened out for quite some time so I haven't had much time to do world building.

Again, I am open to suggestions for mods and plugins. Post them here and I will try to accomodate ASAP.



Change of plans. My dad is freaking out about this eating our bandwidth, so I can't host :(

If anyone has a spare machine I would greatly appreciate it. I can maintain it, I just can't host it because my dad won't let me. Sorry :(

Ive hosted several in the past, as well as making an official technic pack for Teksyndicate. 

Not many people on these forums want to play modded. And very few played non-modded. 

Okay thanks. I knew many people didn't care about Minecraft, I just wanted to try it. Thanks though. Let me know if you have any other games you want me to try and get going.

I wish people wanted to play our servers. Hah. I love minecraft.

Is this still happening because if so I would be happy to help out (can't host though). I think it would be easier if you use a premade mod pack like something like ftb then you can post this on those forums and get many players. 

I could host a 10-15 person server. My upload speed is only 5Mb/s. But I have the server power to do it.

I could add people as admins and give access to the files/console, as well.  

That upload speed is really slow mine is 7 I think and mine is iffy for a 10-15 player server  I don't know how you could do it with 5 but if you can... 

I've done it before. But I think Id like to keep it closer to 10. If you use worldboarder to pre-generate the world, it takes a lot of the bandwidth needs off the server.

I could host as well, 30 down / 15 up on a dual Xeon machine with 16gbs of RAM. Currently running Win8, but if somebody wanted to help me with Linux, thatd be even better.

 I think that would be better and I don't know much about Linux but I have set up a minecraft server on my rasperry pi so if you install a distribution of Debian I could probably figure it out. 

Okay. I also need to set up a remote desktop client for it, I'm not where the machine is most days. Server is in Iowa, the connection isnt the most reliable, but its done the job without any interruptions for me. Just let me know what needs to be done and ill get debian on it soon.

Could you follow Wendell's tutorial and set up Proxmox? That would make for some interesting stuff, plus very easy backups of the whole VM. If you want to connect on Skype or Steam I can help you, but you will need physical access to the machine (just for the initial installation). We could host SEVERAL servers on that machine, especially if we make them where they're not all on all the time. Logan had talked about using the Steam group to do events with games like TF2 and HL2DM, so that would be cool.

I'll be happy to help any way I can, thanks for sharing your fancy toys with us lol

Wait...hold on...does the server have its own public IP, or is it behind a router/NAT/firewall? Either way still install Proxmox though, you can run Debian in VMs and it makes it much easier to test things.

The server is on a home network, behind a router. It's worked fine for people connecting to it for other servers though. I don't know jack about networking or linux,  but I'll get promox running on the thing soon. I might be able to be with the server this weekend.

@Phantom keep me on the loop on this. I've got a lot of spare time on my hands and I'd be willing to help set up a vanilla MC server.

You guys want to talk about this on skype or something once  we get this going?

Psh, no one said vanilla. But I can set up one on my home server and let you deal with it.

I'd love to see one with Tekkit, or one with the Trains mod. I've got a JAR for MCPC+ and I can help set it up. A normal Bukkit one would be epic too, and when the Sponge stuff gets developed enough that'll be cool to play with.

I can host whatever the consensus comes to.