So I need a new mobo. I’m looking at a few options, but really what I’m thinking about is how many PCIE X16 slots I can get.
I’d like 4 or 5, and every single ryzen board I see only goes up to 3 or 4. Theres a choice few boards that have come up as probably good enough, fan header placement is nominal and everything else is good, but I don’t exactly want to buy an Asus Formula unless water is going to be that hard to route.
However I keep seeing these colorful mobo’s pop up. What are these?
They kinda look like miner boards that had the other features appended and then a silk screen finish to cover up the ugly. But, I’m sittin here thinking about a K2 and a 970 sitting on one X16 slot like that. Would that… work?
I was otherwise looking at X470 workstation boards and X570 overclockers boards, but the only ones that interest me on the high end of 570 are formula and aorus master, but aside from the formula and one weird ass X470 board from biostar, I can’t find fan header placements I will be able to use. So it might end up being something stupid in the end.
I don’t think a Ryzen CPU has enough bandwith for all of those devices. Even if you used an NVMe to PCIe adapter the chipset would still be limiting you, if I’m not mistaken. Mabye you could sell the capture card and get a USB one to make your life easier (if it’s an HDMI one, I don’t think SDI capture cards exist).
I don’t have other hardware. Thats just whta I want to do eventually.
Gpu’s not really needed, all of them at least, but a grid K2 and a good ass amd gpu, a couple accessory cards, and then idk maybe a thunderbolt hack for a third or something.
I’ve actually tried 4 gpu’s. 9800gt, 7600gt, rx480, and gtx970. It ran, just slow. It couldn’t balance each card. Took one card of any out, was better. So 4 gpu’s choke dts lanes out.
I cealize I’m literally pushing the desktop chips to the limit by full force using my desktop how I want to, so maybe that’ll mean I do that 1920X build still XD
Threadripper is likely going to be your best choice in this case.
Intel HEDT could be an option as well but x299 is really old at this point.
Still certain cpu’s for the platform could be found for cheap.
But i would still say Threadripper would be a better choice at this point in time.
You’re looking for troubles, aren’t you? haha I don’t think it’s even worth fiddling with thunderbolt until it gets worked out better into the AMD architecture.
I don’t think it’s the CPU choking up, but two of those cards are VERY old and not that fast even when they were new so it’s difficult for the OS to juggle all those resources.
Maybe you could look into an AsRock Rack motherboard based on AM4 or the equivalent of other manufacturer that might include a PLX chip to multiply the available lanes. I don’t think it would be more expensive than an X399 board + Threadripper chip.
I’m going to fiddle with a giggaaccel X8i soon and I want it to have access to the same GPU as the PS3. I wanna try to run MOONOS on it, the PS3 OS, and maybe run games. lol, idk, seems fun.
Well a plx chip doesn´t magically give you more lanes / bandwith if that makes sense…
Like i said, Threadripper at this point is pretty much the only option.
Or Intel HEDT Core i9 / Xeon.
Just checking the obvious here, but… You are aware a x16 card work in a x8, x4 and even a x1 slot too, yes? It’s just that it will work at lower capacity.
If you need a compute farm then Threadripper or higher end X570 are your best bets.
No haha, what I want to do is pretty similar to what linus tech tips did with those multi-iser machines, I just want it set up for one user.
I do a lot of work accross operating systems, so rather than have a windows xp machine, a mac, a litux rig, and a windows gaming machine, I just want all of hhem in one system. I want a gpu dedicated to xp and to windows 10, but then I want a gpu that is switchable for use between stuff too, so maybe I’m not gaming all the cime but I’m rendering lomething out, running an ai program, literally anything is possible. I do a lot of stuff.
Its annoying as shit that what I want to do is barely possible yet, and it goes into a much bigger plan overall.
The extra power consumption from TR is negligible compared to 3-4 GPUs. This scheme is completely unworkable with ryzen with the number of PCIE lanes you are talking about. If you do insist on Ryzen X570 is your only real option. Given the preferences and goals you have described TR is the ONLY option that has any hope of meeting your goals.
Mmm, not really. What I’m doing should leave one or two left over when I’m done.
Probably what I’ll end up doing is my 480 will be display or something, maybe something lighter like a 4650 (5 bucks, low profile, put on a 1x maybe) and instead of having 3 gpu’s, have 2, one useable in my older os’s and stuff, and something newer that can switch between things. My grid K2 might be a candidate to try. Tho, I wish I could use it in windows for streaming ;-;