New member, first post, first pc build

Hello tek syndicate, members, guests, trolls and well-wishers,

first off i'm a console convert, i have seen the light and i now intend to walk in the ratiating glow of a overclocked CPU.

so all i need now is everything! i have a budget of $3500 aus which needs to include all peripherals.

my PC will be predominantly used as a gaming rig mainly aiming at ultra settings for the upcoming ARMA 3 title,  buuuut! i don't want to limit myself to gaming alone. I tried my hand at 3D design and liked it but my "mouse and wheel" powered laptop took the fun out of it.

i have constructed a wishlist of what i want/need and it looks a little something like this


Lite-On 12X Blu-Ray DVD Combo Drive, 
Intel 520 Series 240GB SSD, 
Seagate Barracuda 2TB, 
Kingston HyperX 16GB (4x4GB) DDR3, 
ASUS GeForce GTX 680 DirectCu II 4GB, 
Deepcool Gamer Storm Assassin CPU Cooler, 
Intel Core i7 3820, 
Asrock Fatal1ty X79 Champion, 
Corsair GS-700 V2 Power Supply, 
Aerocool Strike-X ST Black Super Full Tower 


Samsung 27in Widescreen LED Monitor, 
Razer Tiamat 7.1 Gaming Headset, 
AZIO Levetron Mech5 Keyboard, 
Saitek Cyborg R.A.T. 7 Gaming Mouse, 


now the problem i'm facing, is the MOFOing CPU!, AMD VS INTEL is driving me nuts and logan's videos are not helping one little bit.

i know everyone is saying i5 is the "go to" cpu when it comes to gaming but logan is saying AMD has its merits, but he was compairing it to the i5 not the i7 that i'm looking at and the G/card is a 670 not a 680 and and and.... now i have a nose bleed 

so...... help me, does my wishlist have any real faults as an gaming machine. i have been told its OVERKILL for a single monitor gaming but as a chest beating alpha male there is not such thing and i like the option to add more i due time. 


thanks in advance for any and all input  


oh my man that i way overkill for a single monitor gaming!!! is gaming all you will be doing?? bcause really you dont need that cpu if thats so you could get a 3770k or even go with amd in the long run man its up to what your using your computer for

cheers for the input, 

in my area i can get the 3770k for $335 and the 3820 for $299 so i would go with 2011 socket for less   

But your paying a lot more for the x79 motherboard. Check these benchmarks if you had "fun" doing 3d rendering I don't think thats worth the extra $ and the worse fps in games.


The 3820 is good enough, it largely depends on what you will be using. Of course AMD has it's merits, it's much cheaper and it's an obvious choice for gamers, but largely depends on the games you play. Just because Logan says something doesn't mean it's the word of God (if you're a zealot, and the forums kind of spawned this religion now). Just look into what you will be using, for you that socket 2011 is great, the 3770k is sometimes better sometimes worse, it's a small difference. For most 3D programs intel is usually the right choice. As for graphics card yeah it is overkill but the bandwidth might come in handy 2 years from now if you will be using the same PC. I would not reccomend spending over 2000 on a PC alone, because of how fast technology advances and how platforms get changed every year, you might end up with an "extreme" processor and overkill graphics card for it's age that will get surpassed by midrange products 2 years from now, and low end 3-4 years later.

Although a good graphics card is usually longevive (look at ATi's 9800 pro, HD 2900XT, 4850, 4870, 4890 they are still good, and 9800pro/xt lasted a long long time, from 2002 to 2007-8 you could still play games on med graphics and do 3d rendering; and Nvidia's geforce 64, geforce 2/3, geforce 6800/7900/8800gtx these were expensive at the time but the next few series were just rebrandings and small patches (9800/260/450) so basically they were 4-5 year strong cards as well), so research research research and find one that's best for you and the money you'll be spending (choose wisely).

Hey I'm new here and thinking of building a PC I'm from wales (U.K) and was looking at logans recent videos about the AMD FX 8350 CPU and was thinking of useing it with the AMD Raedeon HD 7950 with some 16GB 1600MHz RAM(4x4GB) with 1TB of memory a corsair 800W bronze 80+ PSU and a NZXT 410 mid tower case, are these good specs? and what mother board should i be looking at? 

a gigabyte ga-970-ud3 or anything with chipset 990x/fx would provide the OC and stabillity necessities for a 8350. you could drop the ram to 8gb as you really don't need 8, let alone 16, and get a better graphics card, like a 7970. Also make a new thread next time :D sorry for derailing

Thanks, sorry I'm new and thought this was a generalised anyone can post their pc builds and do-dads. I'll make my own thread next time :)

like they said your gunna lose frames if your just going to be doing gaming with the 2011 socket

THANK YOU! everyone, its great to get some honest feed back.

your point on spending over $2000 on the pc alone due to the leaps and bounds of technology is a great one. i had a good look at what i intend to buy. i'm looking at $1600 for peripherals and other "carry-overable" gear like case, HDD's, PCU ect ect, so the parts that could be overshadowed in the near future is half my build cost. 

and every time i "research" my build i end up with more doubt and questions then i started with bah!

another question if you don't mind, i really don't know AMD at all! if i was going to build this pc for gaming alone, no 3D design as sitting on the fence is my real issue here. would you say AMD is the way to go? if so what chip? 

ps i just read though what i just typed, its horribly written sorry  

thanks man,

do you have any sugestions for a AMD cpu and mobo combo, its a open-ended question but any thoughts will be very helpful 

if you have checked out logans benchmarks i would get that cpu its cheap and performs almost as good as the intels

An FX 8350 is comparable to the intel 8320 and 3930k or 3770k.
Go with a quality fx 970 or 990x/fx chipset motherboard (asus, gigabyte, asrock, MSI, even biostar is better now)


So hard to get a definitive answer for where the 8350 lies in gaming performance with benchmarks such as and  contradicting the benchmarks that tek syndicate (and others) had. GO FOR THIS


You don't need a freaking definitive answer, just buy them and see for your self if your so curious. If you're building a gaming rig (and people before also did some 3d rendering and editing) AMD is the obvious choice as far as value goes. It's not very far from Intel, even before fixes and revisions, you can't go wrong with either. End of flame war story.

i know what you saying, when i desided to go pc i was reading everything i could, watching everything i could, asking everyone i could. and there was nothing that could be concidered as a definitive answer.

at the start i was under the impression that if i just picked all the most exspensive gear i would have the best system, well i was fucking wrong!..... silly xbox man

ps i have desided to go with the FX 8350 and a ASUS Crosshair V Formula-Z Motherboard tho i am a bit concerned about the lack of PCIe 3 on the AMD with a 4 gig G/card will i be bottle necking? 

pps if my questions make me sound like a dumb noob its because i am... please be gentle

PCI 3 won't make much of a difference.

This is my contribution. This will make a really good editing rig and gaming rig. Yes it is bit overkill for gaming, but if you do want to do 3D editing it gives you more upgrade room for the future with either a 3930k, or future Ivy Bridge - E.

Also to the above comment that a FX 8350 is compariable to a 3930K in anything but gaming is a complete lie. I've done rendering and editing with both chips, and the intel is faster by a pretty big margine. Not trying to start a flame war, just stating a fact.

thanks TallGeese, i have reassessed my needs as when i said the rig will be used for 3D design i was talking more like google sketch up pro not anything like 3D studeo max. don't laugh i love sketch up!

so i will just say my rig will be streight up gaming