New Linux Laptop

Hi all,

Sorry for not responding, life has been busy which takes first place of course!

@kush 8GB will be plenty for me, I’m not running more than one VM at a time, so I’ll have plenty left over for myself, thank you for the thought though! I’m pretty minimal with my PC, as my server has only ever had 1TB for three years now haha, so I’m good with 256/512 for my local machine. I’ll keep an eye out for deals, but with some major unexpected purchases recently I may even have to push this off.

I’m headed to Best Buy this weekend and I’ll report back what I find/get. If anyone wants to keep giving suggestions. I’d love to hear them, but please know my responses will be minimal. Thanks all!!


Interesting read. I’m also window shopping for a new laptop for Linux, and was wanting to go Ryzen. Will be a little more reluctant at this point. However, I got my daughters laptops Motile 14 from Walmart with Ryzen 3 3200U’s running Elementary OS and haven’t noticed issues, but I didn’t spend much time on them; and they haven’t complained and we’ve played a lot of Minecraft since they got them.

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Alright, so back to this again! I’m still looking for a Linux laptop for $1000 or less. I’ve found some that I think will fit the bill pretty well but I really want the community’s input. Let me know if I should make a new topic or not, thanks all! I should also specify, I’m looking for 16GB of RAM with an i7 or similar Ryzen chip. I’ll be running VMs for security testing, and the occasional Windows gaming. Mostly Windows would be used for streaming via Xbox In-Home Streaming.

ASUS TUF (2019) - $988.98

There it is all, the new laptop. Just placed the order and it should be here tomorrow, whoop! I’ll post a review of it (with Linux and such) after I’ve had it for awhile.

Well, even though this topic is ancient…I’ve been using the Huawei Matebook D 14 with Ryzen 2500u since April 2019 with Void Linux and I cannot confirm the horribleness at all.
There was one Kernel update that broke sleep/hibernate, but the fix was fairly simple.
I occasionally play DotA2 on it, even played The Room 2 (no native Linux version) on the big screen over Christmas without issues.
It’s been pretty solid in every other regard.
I’d love to tell large tales about how I fixed all the issues…but there weren’t really any.

there’s only one option.

and its a t430 w/ 420 keyboard and 1080p mod

There are new Linux Ryzen laptops, so I guess that can’t be the case for everyone, but yeah. Doubt its gonna be perfect for everyone just yet. I know Slimbook have a laptop with last gens Ryzen mobile CPU’s.

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