New Linux Laptop

you were the one with BSD on a Ryzen laptop right?

Yep, OpenBSD 6.6.

There’s a guy running BSD on his laptop just cause of how bad It is.

That’s an exaggeration. I was already looking at switching to OpenBSD and my choice was made easier by hitting a bug in multiple Linux distros.

There’s a current thread with workarounds for those Linux bugs below.

Being completely honest, the Lenovo Flex is a great machine

Last post in the thread above is confirmation that the Lenovo Flex works without any special treatment on Ubuntu 19.10.

The issues are definitely in software, as newer distros seem to work better. If you want Debian Stable, you’ll need the workaround to install.

I’m downloading the newest release of Linux Mint to test that. I’ll let you know once I boot (or don’t).

tl;dr - Don’t give Grandma a Ryzen laptop running Linux yet, but someone who installs their own Linux shouldn’t have too many problems.