New Laptop

So I'm in college and I'm in need of a light-weight laptop to mostly write papers and web-surfing. I was thinking about going the Chromebook route since they're cheap and very portable(it would have to be smaller than 15"), but I'm not sure.  I figured i could upgrade the RAM and storage options down the road. but I'm not sure how viable that would be.   Any other laptops laptops i should keep in mind ?  or does anyone have any advice as to what I should consider ?.  Also the cheaper the upfront cost is the better, and sorry if this is not the right place to post this. 

I find chromebooks to be kind of pointless. Upgrading them would be even more pointless. Personally if I was going to get a lowcost laptop device thing i'd probably go with an asus Transformer T100 or something like a cheap Acer Aspire or something. At least you get the full windows experience, can still use all the features a chromebook has, and you'll have storage to put files and whatnot. The Transformer even doubles as a tablet.

Cheap chromebook + linux distro like Mint, it'll  will make for a decent cheap package.

Just check that the distro will work with the selected chromebook.

Maybe this will suit your needs? LINK

If you don't like windows just wipe the drive and install your distro of choice.

i conicdered the Transformer T100 but I was turned off by the storage options, but I am still very much looking into cheap Acer laptops. thanks for the feed back