Hello Tek,
I just purchased a Crossover 27Q LED-p for $150 from craigslist. It has no dead pixels and I am wanting to know where to start with over clocking.
From what I have read, all Korean monitors can use eachothers PCBs, and it seems there is a board called the "2B PCB" that is well known for 1440p 120hz or at least 90Hz+ (my goal).
I cannot find this board to save my life though. I noticed that Wendell has repaired a few Korean monitors and I am curious where he sources his parts as I'd eventually like to overclock this monitor.
Thoughts? discussion?
So did you already tear it open to see what board it has?
its just what is referred to as the "green" PCB from what I can tell online. The crossovers don't come with great PCBs for overclocking but they have nice housing and panels without dead / stuck pixels. Thats why i'm starting with this and later down the road i'll start looking at replacing the PCB in order to overclock and get even more out of it.
but thats where I don't know where to start, it seems the latest information I can find about this 2B PCB is from 2014 and the links are all dead. I guess I could start tracking some rabbit holes on ebay sellers of korean monitors to see if they have any way to get the PCB but that seems aimless.
Seems like this would all amount to a big waste of time and a pain in the ass, they have korean 144hz displays now I believe, those would be 1080p though
I disagree but I appreciate your opinion.
the way I see it is I have a beautiful 1440p 27" screen at 60-70hz for $150.... great start.
In a few months If I want a higher refresh rate I can "upgrade" the PCB for $200 tops probably less in order to get a beautiful 1440p monitor that runs at 120hz.
This puts my total investment at $350 worst case scenario for $400 and up monitor but I can do it at a slower pace.
I consider this a very good deal and will also have a spare PCB just in case anything happens.