Yesterday I found my headset broken on the floor. It was pretty cheap so I'm not really at a lose but I do need a new one. I'm not too picky when it comes to audio but comfort is a bug thing. I raid in WoW so I'm looking for something that I can wear for hours without any discomfort. Also a decent mic would be nice as I am always talking with my guild in Mumble. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Also would an Audio-Technica ATH-M50 be worth the buy with onboard sound?
What I can certainly recommend is the Steelseries Siberia v2. I've been using this since a little more than a year now and am very content. Microphone quality is great (although I use some noise-reduction on my soundcard) and audio quality is what I would call decent for a gaming headset. I find it to be incredibly comfortable even for very long gaming sessions and have never had any issues like my ears getting hot or hurting.
If you're willing to invest some money maybe give the top tier Sennheiser gaming headsets a try, or go with the new AudioTechnica gaming stuff. I never tried them, but I own two normal headphones from AudioTechnica, open and closed back design, and just love them.
One of them are the ATH-M50s. I just love them, but I do not recommend buying them for home use, unless you want monitoring headphones for recording or audio production. They are closed back design and are the best sound-isolating headphones I have ever seen, which isn't necessarily needed at your PC (unless its a jet turbine). As a result they tend to be uncomfortable after extended periods of time since you will start sweating and your ears will be getting hot. Also after a while (~1-2 hours) they push a bit on my head, but that could be just me. Don't get me wrong, they are amazing at what they are intended for, but for this application I recommend open back headphones (Sennheiser HD 598 -> AMAZING).
Another option of course would be to buy an external mic and some normal headphones. Audio quality will be purely amazing, but keep in mind that external mics can pick up keyboard sound, so if you're using a mechanical keyboard and happen to play games that require furious hammering on said keyboard (SC2 and such) its not really an option.
+1 for the SteelSeries Siberia V2, just got a pair 3 days ago and I love them. The sound quality is good and the mic is ok, not the best in quality but it will do. Comfort wise, it sits on your head nicely - but you can look downwards and it won't slide off your head.
The Logitech G35 is a good headset too, but it's a USB 2.0, so there's no option to use it with a phone. When I had them, they felt quite comfortable and I could wear them for around 10 hours (quite a while) before they started to become uncomfortable.