I have around 160GB left on my WD “Green” 500GB hard drive and I am planning to upgrade to a bigger and faster hard drive.
I have found 2 hard drives by western digital that I am thinking about getting.
The Western Digital WD VelociRaptor WD1000DHTZ (1TB) or the Western Digital WD Black WD2002FAEX (2TB).
My question is: because the raptor spins at 10000RPM and the Black spins at 7200RPM, will I see much of a performance difference between the two even though both hard drives use SATA 6Gbps and have 64MB of cache.
I know I will be saving $110 if I go with the Black, plus I will be getting an extra terabyte.
The Black: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136792
The Raptor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236243
get the black. the velociraptors are faster, but not by much. from what you save, you can get a 120g ssd as well.
there is a physical limit to how fast a mechanical drive can read, no matter how fast you make it spin, the write head still ahs to move to find the data, and the faster you make the platters spin, the more stress is put on them.
Having an SSD to put my OS on is cool and then having the 2TB HDD as storage would be nice. How can I do this?
The Kingston HyperX 3K SH103S3 and the ADATA Premier Pro SP900 look pretty good for the price.
Either one is good and WD Caviar Blacks are pretty much the cream of the crop for consumer grade HDDs
both will be excellent.
and I know someine here has the answer to your question, however, i'm not 100% sure myself how to do it...