Hi everyone,
i finally got my new R9 290 GPU today (its an Asus DirectCU II). Unfortunately, whenever i try to undervolt it in Asus GPU Tweak i get an immediate black screen that even persists after reboot. I don't really know how to fix this (I am using my laptop right now) and I think this is really annoying. Its not that I undervolted too much (just went down to 1.2V instead of 1.25V stock) or anything.
Does anyone of you know about this and can help me out? Could the graphics card be broken?
Switch to a different BIOS and try that.
That did remove the black screen but that should not be the solution to that problem :-/
edit: Me post sounds stupid. What I meant is that I don't think that it should black screen in the first place whenever i reduce the voltage by that little. Or am I wrong there?
Then dont under volt it....
Thats actually not what this is about. I can live without undervolting it. I just want to know if you think that this could be a sinal of the card being faulty.
Interestingly the Vcore value I set in GPU Tweak does not affect the actual value that I measure because it is running at ~980mV whenever I am not in game. At the very instand I change from 1250mV to 1200mV I get a black screen although the actual voltage does not change... thats strange
I would really appreciate a few opinions because I am thinking about returning the video card
It looks like a lot of people are having black screen issues with the r9 290 cars (just google r9 290 black screen). Thats strange, especially because I have never read anything about that on tech sites. Did anyone of you guys know about it? What do you think tha problem could be?