New gpu Alrighty?

okay this may sounds weird but I'm starting to regret buying a gaming PC. I got a 660 about a 4 months ago and I wanna atlease get high settings on each game.. And everyone's liek wow a 660 so shitty and that was just a very new graphica card!!! Like do I really have to buy a new card every 4 months that is 300 atlease! Everyone is like i don't think a 770 will max out GTA 5 like are you kidding me.. Please back me up that a 660 will last me 2-3 years

I cannot back you up on that.. I wouldn't feel comfortable running a 660 till 2017-2018.

I have a 7970 and I'm planning on upgrading this summer to whatever AMD releases next.

Well your mistake was buying a GTX 660 four months ago. It was outdated when you bought it. Quite a bit actually (nearly three years old at this point...) and it wasn't a super fast card to begin with. 

That being said, it is up to you if it will last that long. Do you need to max every game at 1080p? Then no it won't. If you're playing at a lower resolution or with lower settings then it should last a fair bit longer. 

 No you don't need to drop 300 every 4 months. For around $230 you get get an R9 290 which will max every game at 1080p and most at 1440p. That will last you another 2-3 years easy (again depending on your resolution and expectations.) 

That being said though, who cares? If you're happy with the performance don't let what people say get to you. 

uhh. gtx 660 was released in 2012..

Most people won't recommend this, but you might want to consider just buying another 660 and putting them in SLI. Now I say this because I'm in almost the same predicament, I transferred my old R9 270X to my new machine, and it is woefully under powered in comparison to the rest of my build.

It really seems to be more cost effective versus buying a new $300+ card. Though keep in mind the extra bugs that come with SLI/Crossfire, the extra power needed, and more heat output. 

I don't know what your tech experience level is so I'm going to say this, please make sure that your motherboard supports SLI and your CPU is up to the task, if you decide to go this route. It would suck if bought the card just to find you can't use it. 

If you spend $900 a year roughly on video cards then just get a 380x/390x or the 980ti next month. You'll save money and it will last you for quite some time since those are considerably faster than anything presently out.

Would a 980 be good im thinking about SLI with 660 and 970 if possible

No. You need to have the same exact GPU to use SLI. You'd need another 660 with the same RAM to run it in SLI. You can't run SLI with a 970 and a 660. 

Don't get the 980. It is a waste of money. It is like $250 more than a 970 for around 5-10 FPS more. 

Just buy a 970 or R9 290. 

You can run SLI with a 970 and a 660.

I think you mean can't. :-P

lol oops.

GTX 660 is the low end in GTX 600 series.

GTX 600 series was introduced in March of 2012 

if you bought GTX 680 or even 670 you would been happy 

at this moment you could buy used gtx 660 for $110 and sli them(you would be happy for another year), you could buy gtx 970 $330-390,  or you could buy gtx 980 for $550-700.


Remember never buy 60,  unless you are buying two at the same time to sli them.

Why wouldyou buy a 770? You can't get them new and for that price you could get a 970 which is significantly more powerful. Also, the 980 is pointless. You'd be spending $250 more than a 970 for 5-10FPS more. 

You could get a 770 used for about $250-275. I run a 770 and get great performance in all my games. I Don't plan on buying another card for awhile. Plus two in SLI get amazing performance for the price.. Benchmarks show two in SLI getting higher fps than a titan, which is a couple hundred dollars more for just the single card. I've bought several used cards off of ebay and haven't had a single problem. 

Amazon sellers have a used 770 ACX for $230. Can't beat that.


edit: A 770 vs a 970 isn't even that big of a difference. Not a huge increase which is why I'd still recommend getting a used 770.

First off, even a used 770 for that price is a horrible deal. You can buy a brand new R9 290 for that price. That will absolutely spank a 770. So yes, I can beat that. Easily. The Titan is also a joke and not made for gaming. A 780 comes close to it and a 780 Ti is usually faster. 

Also A 970 Vs a 770 or even a 290 is a massssive difference. Don't look at GPUBoss or CPUBoss or any other Boss. That website is a joke. Nearly everything they have on there is wrong and they also hold a huge nVidia bias. Plus, that link you showed has no game benchmarks or anything. 

Here are some actual benchmarks

970 vs 770

The 970 can be over 30 FPS faster in some titles. It is a big difference.

770 vs 290X

Around 25 FPS faster. 

The 770 is old and slow and $250 for a used card is way too much. Please don't spread inaccurate information. 

If you bought that 770 recently for nearly the same price as a new R9 290, then you got swindled and pimped. It's an older architecture and has half as much video memory.

And like DerKrieger said, gpu boss and cpu boss are complete jokes.

ohh sorry i meant 970 

Thanks for this wise wisdom. At least were all well informed now. Sorry to get some panties in a wad.