This is my first post here, and english isnt my first language. Needs to be said.
Also I would like to say that I really like this part of the forum. Alot of very skilled and nice people helping people that needs it. Ive seen alot of these posts and everyone gets a very good and nice response.
So, im building a new PC computer, mostely for gaming. Biggest problem is that im Swedish and dont know what web stores ships to sweden. So I built my PC on a swedish site. And my currency is Swedish Krones.
I dont have any experience in overclocking, but im all up for more power for free.
I want to be able to game moste genre of games. Diablo 3, Battlefield, Elder Scrolls Online.
Dont want a new OS, Display, Keyboard, Mouse, headphones.
Processor : https://www.komplett.se/k/ki.aspx?sku=766048
Cooler : https://www.komplett.se/cooler-master-hyper-212-evo-cpu-kylare/657097
Motherboard :https://www.komplett.se/asus-m5a99fx-pro-r20-socket-am3/757190
SSD : https://www.komplett.se/samsung-ssd-840-evo-120gb-oem/791617
Harddrive : https://www.komplett.se/wd-desktop-blue-1tb/753350
GPU : https://www.komplett.se/evga-geforce-gtx-770-2gb-physx-cuda/790799
Case : https://www.komplett.se/nzxt-h2-midi-tower-svart/630830
Power : https://www.komplett.se/corsair-cx-600m-600w-psu/773376
Memory : https://www.komplett.se/kingston-ddr3-hyperx-blu-1600mhz-8gb/639465
Ive also build this computer in pcpartpicker. And got a diffrent price then from the swedish site.
Maybe its easier to check and comment.
Thanks in advanced.