New Gaming PC for 9000SEK (1292 dollar)

This is my first post here, and english isnt my first language. Needs to be said.

Also I would like to say that I really like this part of the forum. Alot of very skilled and nice people helping people that needs it. Ive seen alot of these posts and everyone gets a very good and nice response.

So, im building a new PC computer, mostely for gaming. Biggest problem is that im Swedish and dont know what web stores ships to sweden. So I built my PC on a swedish site. And my currency is Swedish Krones.

I dont have any experience in overclocking, but im all up for more power for free.

I want to be able to game moste genre of games. Diablo 3, Battlefield, Elder Scrolls Online.

Dont want a new OS, Display, Keyboard, Mouse, headphones.


Processor :

Cooler :

Motherboard :


Harddrive :


Case :

Power :

Memory :


Ive also build this computer in pcpartpicker. And got a diffrent price then from the swedish site.
Maybe its easier to check and comment.

 Thanks in advanced.

That build looks pretty good to me.  If you're not planning to get another GPU, you can save some money by going with the Asus M5A99X Evo R2.0, which uses the 99X chipset.  There are less PCI Lanes, but if you don't need the lanes that the 990fx chipset gives you, why pay for them?

Alright. Thanks for that!