New Gaming Mouse $50 AUD

I'm looking for a new mouse as mine just recently broke.  I'm looking for something that is good for gaming, doesn't need to have heaps of buttons as the main games i play are RPG and RTS.  It is not essential to be wireless, but if two mouse are fairly even and similar price wireless would be better.  My budget is around $50 AUD but can be a few dollars flexible.  I will be purchasing fromm PC Case Gear.

Any help would be appreciated.

Most of the wireless mice there are gigabyte mice. Heres a few but maybe try and get a bit more money to get a better one.


That Steel Series Sensei Raw looks like a good deal. Thanks for the help.

I bought a Raw (PCCG, $35), and I'm very happy with it - first proper "gaming" mouse I've had, but it seems to do the trick. The side buttons are slightly further back than I'd like, so for me, they took a little bit of getting used to, but other than that, the shape is good and I don't mind the gloss. Overall it's a simple, but solid mouse.

I second the sensei. It's a simple design, but they are known for high quality.

Wireless... I not a fan, but Zalman makes a highly rated one that isnt too expensive... but its not available at the site you wanted to use.