New Gaming computer

Hello all,

i wanna build a computer mostly for gaming around 1500$ i wanna be able to support 2 monitors @ 1080p and be able to play games at 60fps. gonna stream and in the future be able to capture. i am also gonna have to do school work nothing crazy just reports. AMD or Intel is fine with me. windows 8 or 7.

maybe with new headset and key board and mouse if they are in there that would be good but not the end of the world if they arent.

Well I am not entirely the best at constructing higher end builds but here is my best shot. If any one has any suggestions to help tracer please do so. I really hate to throw rebates in there they annoy me very much.


That's actually pretty solid build, i have just never heard any1 suggesting a lepa psu, so if i would change anything, it would be the psu :)

Do a little research and you will find that LEPA gives good power.



the power supply for each is over what you will need so adding a second gpu will be as easy as buying a second card 

The AMD build IMO is nonsense. The FX 9590 is just a factory overclocked FX 8350, so the performance is the same as a overclocked FX 8350, but costs 150$ more. Also, the mobo is a bit overpriced too. You could easily Overclock a FX 8350 to aobut 4.8 GHz with a 130$ ASUS M5A99FX PRO R2.0 board...