New Fans


I'm looking to replace the stock fans in my old Antec 300 - both the top 140mm fan and the exhaust 120mm fan.

This is more of a focus on silence as much as possible than airflow since I don't have a very intensive system.

Would the AF quiet series from Corsair be a good option? Since at the back and top AF fans are probably best.

I am also aware of the NF-12's but they are a bit more expensive and the colour scheme comes into mind.

Or is there anything better in terms of silence at the same price point?

I am also considering getting some SP-12's in the front since SP fans are best where there are obstacles like the HDD cage.




if you want the quietest and most efficient fans get Noctua. SPs btw are designed to be put on CPU coolers, or sit inside the case, not act as an intake or exhaust. 

That doesn't answer or relate to my post at all;

I am getting the AF series for the exhaust and the top.

SP's are designed for rads and the front of cases where there are obstacles.

And I do not want to get Noctuas because of the price and the looks;

So, are the AF's the next best bet, or is there anything else?

Sorry, your post wasn't completely clear on exactly what you were after. So you are looking for intake fans for your case? if you are doing AF for exhaust, go AF for intake to keep case pressure more even.

If this doesn't answer your question then I have no idea what you are asking lol.

As I said in the original post - I am looking for a 140mm fan for the top of the case, and a 120mm fan for the exhaust.

I also said I am looking at the AF series, but is there anything better for the same price?

I don't understand how my post wasn't clear on this when I stated it...

Because i am sitting in an accounting class on a saturday morning banging my head against my desk in boredom and can't be bothered to switch my brain on...

Corsair fans are the best in that price range, the AF, or Air Flow series is great for intake and exhaust. The only better fans I can think of are Noctua fans since they are more multipurpose but are a few dollars more. The AF fans can be set on low RPM and still push decent air. There just aren't any other fans in this price point other than some Enermax fans I saw on Newegg that compare.

Thanks that was exactly what I was looking for, and I know the pain - I'm "studying" for law exams I have next week but find myself on my PC.

I'll put the 140mm in the top and a 120mm in the back then.

The part about the SP's was just what I might do next because there are 2 slots for 120mms in the front, and SP fans of all kinds are best for Rads and enclosures from what I have researched.



Glad I somehow managed to help lol. Anyway, yeah, totally get the SPs in the front. The positive pressure in the case will help keep it cleaner, and promote a wider range of air flow.

I will warn you on Corsair fans - I have 6 in my case, and while they perform quite well, they were a pain to install. I ended up having to use my own screws to mount them since I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to use the screws Corsair provided.

lol that last corsair fan I bought didn't even come with screws. But I don't mind reusing my case screws.

Ok thanks I will take that in mind - will probably try looking up some videos where they actually use their screws too or something.

And if that fails I'll just use the screws from the fans I'm replacing or something.

But all in all this is part of an overhaul of my PC because I have been a bit too lazy with it for the 2 years so far;

I'm clearing out all the dust and dust filters with compressed air and vacuum head, replacing the dying HDD with a SSD fresh OS install and a WD Green for storage which will last longer hopefully. And also doing as best cable management as I can, as I just clustered it in the HDD bay beforehand.

And replacing the loud stock fans with these, I might even get a fan controller and put it in the unused optical drive bays.

Thanks again. 

I did the same thing with my cable management. My rig is such a mess. Wires are ran just so they don't touch any fans, and the excess are pushed into empty 5.25 inch bays.

I'll admit though at the time of building I didn't have much money and cases with decent cable management unlike the present at the price point were rare.

I think there is a tiny space vertically behind the HDD cage, and also a thin space behind the mobo tray for the thin cables, but I can certainly make it better than the spaghetti sitting on top of my HDD right now, maybe that's why it is dying lol.


yeah, I was in a $50 case pricepoint, and there just weren't any mid sized towers in that range with cable management, so I went for build quality and bought a steel case with a clear side panel (I regret the side panel now), and the case has no options for clean cable management, Plus a non modular power supply = wires everywhere.

lol, has yours become a dustbowl like mine?

Actually no I keep my rig pretty clean. Two intake fans and 1 exhaust=positive pressure, so not as much dust gets in. Although, i get little balls of dust in the bottom of my case, like tiny tumbleweeds lol, and dead insects. I have no idea how they are getting inside...there arent any holes big enough for something other than an ant to crawl inside.