Error 15! So Ive always had 16GB (4x4) of Corasir Vengance Memory but recently upgraded to a Corsair H100i CPU cooler. All of a sudden I get Error 15 when trying to boot. I figured out that removing the seccond channel of memory will allow me to boot and get rid of the error. I know 8GB of memory is plenty but I want my machine to run on 16GB like it has in the past. Any troubleshooting ideas? Could it be that i damaged it when putting it back into the the motherboard? I'm pretty sure its not that because I was quite careful when reinstalling it. Any information would be helpful.
Not sure if i read that wrong but that looks like a totally diffrent error 15 then i was talking about. Mine has to bo wit the motherboard LEDs, not google chrome.
so it worked fine before you changed your cpu cooler?. maybe a bios reset will help. try to install 2 memory sticks in the second channel, slot 2/4 take out the first chanel 1/3 and look if it also boots then, just to make sure, all ram slots still alive. also try that with all 4 of the sticks, to make sure all 4 sticks are still alive. if it is all alive then you know for sure its a bios related problem.
Error 15: Pre-Memory Northbridge Initialization (check it up in your manual)
I havent seen a fix for it its likely the mobo was damaged and needs to be rma'ed.
But first try reseting the cmos (pull the battery from the mobo for 2-3mins then put it back in) and try with one stick of ram in differnt slots.(all so try with a differnt stick in differnt slots to just to make shure one of your sticks hasent died)
Or take the mobo out of the case and wire it up and see if it boots outside the box(place it on some cardboard) if it boots outside the pc case something is shorting out the mobo in the case.
After 12 years useof my computer. Now finally see this error.
5 RAM sticks was tested as faulty.
3 RAM sticks was tested and now it is working.
All the rams are working perfectly before yesterday when I received BIOS error loop constantly on 15.
The only solution that I find is with 3 RAMs.
Is it bend CPU? I did not make any changes to cpu or coolings.
Is it mainboard? Do nit know.
Is it PSU? The same.
Ny the way. I have manage to fix the problem with 4 rams. After power off. I need to remove one stick and end with 3 workig rams and 5 faulty. When I sad faulty. Those rams are fine on other system.
Since you said this happened after mounting the cooler, I would say either too much or too little pressure when tightening down the cooler. If you have too little pressure it could be that not all pins are making contact with the socket and hence the lost memory channel. If you have too much pressure you could have caused cracks in the traces from the socket to the memory on the motherboard.