New Dimensions


I was recently drinking a bunch of petrol, when I thought "HEY, WHY ISN'T TEK SYNDICATE MAKING ENOUGH MONEY TO SUPPORT THEY'RE YU-GI-OH HABBITS". Later that week I woke up with scabby-bloddy knuckles and I don't know why.

Anyway, why haven't you jerks made more money yet? Why haven't all you jerks made the following fantastic observations that I have?:?:?:?:: Make more live tek and indiebox.bat videos you jerks don't require much editing. Plus you are both very attractive. I am way more attractive by the way. Also, you are all obviously very smart and not-so-smug individuals: tell us what music you're listening to. What edgy trends you are offended by, anything. You have a fantastic audiance, and indeed the most fantastic audiance of them all (as I am in it), and yet they are not utilized outside of this beautiful thing we call the forum, you jerks should very well be harvesting this beautiful whore of a forum for content, and I mean the best kind of content, the type where people other than you're-self do the majority of effort and yourselves fine polish said effort and make money off it and then make me some fancy drinks.


I need 100 rupees before the ninth of ramamanmamnanmanadan and the cantalope cartel takes my hangnails off.


I agree, more live Tek, and Inbox!