Today my new AMD 5700 XT GPU and my Ryzen 5 2600X came in. I installed the card and the processor and tried to boot the PC but when I did my display did not turn on and pc gets stuck in a cycle in which it boots for around 30 seconds then reboots. What do I do? The processor is seated correctly, the GPU is plugged in and so is everything else in the board. I’ve already messed with my ram and resat the processor.
is it the same hard drive and motherboard?
version of motherboard would be helpful.
Is the mobo BIOS up to date?
It would be helpful to list all components
Power cables properly connected?
Cooler installed and connected?
spare gpu? and double check the terms and conditions. I had a bad board and it wouldn’t boot. I was so pissed I returned everything.
Hi @AveryDawson, as Adubs has already asked, it would help if you would post a complete list of your components. Your problem sounds so much like the problem I had with my new desktop. It turned out to be my new ram was bad.
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