New CPU - AMD v Intel

I have around $200 AUD to spend on a new CPU, and I need proper advice on which is best for my money.

So I'll be using this for visual rendering (Cinema 4D, 3DS Max) and gaming

So my choices are either:

$239, AMD FX-8350 8 Core Black Edition Processor

4GHz Octacore.


$235 Intel Core i5 4570S

2.9GHz Quad core with Hyper-threading.

They are my choices, Which is best?

AMD part I would say. Im pretty sure the 8350 is higher end than the 4570S. 

Neither, get the FX 8320. Should be cheaper than the FX 8350, for the money you save, get a better cooler.


Still, motto of the story. Go with AMD octacore?

cheaper and have better price / performance, I don't see a reason why not.

Unless you want the extra performance, which you will need to pay a smaller fee for.

Yep, Thanks man :D

For your given use, the 8350 or 8320 would be best. You should take care to choose an appropriate motherboard. Not all AM3+ motherboards are sufficient for those top-end AMD processors.

I don't know how much it would cost in Australia but you should really look at the Xeon 1230 V3. It is essentially an i7-4770 without the iGPU. They are usually, at least here in the States, about the same price as an i5 4670k so not too much more. 

It is a great part. 8MB of cache and it has HT. 

That i5 you mentioned doesn't have HT and only 6MB of cache. 

At that price point I'd go with the 8320 or the Xeon. If you get the 8320 you need a good motherboard. The Asus M5A99FX series is very good. 

That being said if you are going to be doing a lot of heavy rendering and 3D work you should really save up a bit more money and go Socket 2011 with a 4930k. 

8350 or save up for an i7

the i5-4570S does not have Hyper Threading.!

>_< Completely forgot, I was thinking i7 

I didn't post or suggest i7 or Xeon because they are 2-8 time more expensive..


i would say look at the FX8320 / FX8350, or the Xeon E3-1230V3.

FX8320 seems the obvious choice for you. there is a $110 gab between the FX8320 and the Xeon, that $110 you could spend extra in a decent motherboard for the FX 8 core.

I apologize for suggesting the Xeon. Here they are only about $10 more than an i5 or $20 more than an FX. I didn't realize Australia's prices were that insane.

Yeah, When It comes to anything really nice and useful, prices in Australia are hyper-inflated :P

Well the i3-4340 is $180 i think thats not realy a good deal. Cause thats $9 cheaper then the FX8320 8 core. ☺

He might meant a haswell pentium, those are priced at around $65-$100 depending on which one and location.

That would be essentially be down grading, then off putting my full upgrade by half a year. So I'll stick with AMD

Smith, 8350 from msy?

Check aussie forums, $200 would get you a secondhand 3770k/3820 :)