i have a seidon 120m on my 8350, when i'm gaming the fans run loud. i was wounding if i should just get a new cooler or try and get some silent fans? any input in welcome and need.
Well, a different fan may help somewhat but that cooler isn't the best and I'd imagine the fan, no matter what one, would need to run fairly quickly in order to keep the CPU cool.
Take a look at nome of the Noctua Air Coolers. They do a better job then most closed loop water coolers and are very quiet.
I have a Seidon 120V - That cooler master fan was so loud in my computer.
If you're looking for lower temperatures, you'll probably need a better cooler. If you're looking for a quieter system, pick up a new fan- something like a Noctua NF-F12(I have a NF-F12 on mine)
my temps are fin, just when i'm recording the sound of the fan drives me crazy. but i'm just pick up some new fans
Yep. Couple of quiet PWM fans should do the trick.
Noctua NF-F12s & Corsair SP120 PWM Silent Editions would be a couple I would recommend.