New Console equal more PC GAMES!

I so happy that the new xbox & PS3 will be using x86 which allow for easy console ports and should make console ports better in my option.

I do feel bad for Wii U owners who will get next to no port/ third party games.

What do you guys think?

Also I would like to see more RPGs as the only Ive played lately are Mass effect 3 and Skyrim.

Nintendo makes most of the games for their systems; which means not a lot of porting to begin with. Nintendo keeps making systems that are not up to par with what's to come. They keep on making systems to compete with what already exists, which no concept of what's to come.

Thats very true


I'm a PC Gamer and I hate x86! If the xbox 360 Slim had an x16 lane and 8GB of RAM, that would be my new Linux Workstation.

What makes platforms developer friendly isn't x86 because nobody programs in Assembly anymore. It's use of standardized/fimilar APIs. What made the PS3 a bitch to program for was the Video Card sucked and they needed to use the Cell for GPU things and the PS3 used some weird fork of OpenGL ES. Developer friendly platforms:

  • Xbox 360/PC because of DirectX
  • Smartphones because of standard OpenGL ES (though there's a lot of different Android Devices and iOS Devices at weird resolution)
  • Wii because of OpenGL
  • Mac because of OpenGL/SDL

Also, the console graphics aren't that good compared to what you can get from a $100 CPU and a $150 Video Card, but to me, graphics don't matter anymore as far as gameplay. (however I like to optimize visuals) Deus Ex was made in 12 years ago and it's more realistic than skyrim in some areas like healing your arm or legs and what if you don't want to use your lockpicks? you don't have to, you can just blow up the door. (That's why when Paul asks, take the GEP Gun!)

Thats all very interesting dude, i feel like if ive learnt something new.
