New computer help

so i have been thinking about getting a new computer mostly made for video editing, i already have a computer that i use a lot for gaming (my first build which i am proud of) and the hardware is:

CPU: FX-6100

stoarge: 120 GB intel 320 series with a secondary 1.5tb hdd

mobo: MSI 760gm

gpu: radeon 1gb 6850

PSU: antec 450 watt

case: antec 300 illusion

Monitors: 2 acer 1080p monitors not in eyefinity


so i guess my main question is that should i dedicate my current pc to video rendering by maybe upgrading to 16gb of ram and then build myself a new gaming computer 

or should i build myself a new rendering computer and keep using my current one as gaming computer

probly a third option would be is sell my current computer except the periphrals and monitors to my brother for a cheap price (maybe 300 something i dont know) and then just build one computer for all my gaming and editing needs

i would say my budget is $1250 overall except i will allow lee way of $100 or so


thanks for the help

I'd pawn it off on him I've got a rig that's great for both







the system overclocked to 4.5Ghz and a 7970 pulls about 385w, a 630w 80+ will be fine

oh man that looks really tempting, except im thinking maybe ill go with this ssd instead:

sure it puts me over my limits but meh, or maybe ill look into using the 120gb as a hdd cache hmmmm

Yeah I was thinking I'd throw it in for caching, samsungss SSDs sure look sexy also for 300 that's the best computer your brother is going to get

yah i may be spoiling him a little with it