New Case Vs New GPU?

So, In your guys (or girls) opinion would you rather get a new 900D or a new $350 GPU? Currently I'm running a GTX 560 and a old HP computer case:

Sorry for the crappy image :(.

A 900D will be such an useless overkill...
Why don't you get something like an Fractal Design Arc Midi R2? they look good and are cheap for all their features, only

then wait until you obtain 40 dollars more and get something like this:  Triple Windforce cooled HD 7950, It's cheap, an amazing overclocker and much more powerful than your current card.



+ 100000000000000 

Get a damn nice case with amazing build quality and a new GPU which is awesome and OC's well (i have one) just make sure you have a rev 2.0 PCB or below or it may be voltage locked.

The whole point of a 900D is the overkill, I'm gonna' drop about a grand when the new i7 Haswell CPU comes out. I'm probably going to get the 900D around launch and then buy the GPU, I was just wondering what people would by first, Case or GPU. Thanks for the replies 

Don't get the 900D, no point unless you are going E-ATX or larger. 

 Save your money and get something cheaper, ~$120-150 is the sweet spot for cases. 

Then save money till you do your big $1000 upgrade and upgrade the GPU then.  

For $350, you should just go ahead and get a Case Labs case. If you want performance over looks, get a GPU, but if you want looks over reality, get a Case Labs.