New build

Ok so im building new pc and im trying to decide shoud I get FX 8350 or i7 3770k? I know FX 8350 is much cheaper but im not going for i5. With intel I would get Pci-e 3.0 and maybe better performance in some games but if I get 8350 I would be able to buy maybe ssd or something. And gpu is hard choose too. Hd 7870 or gtx 660? Im looking forward to sli, not something like 670 becouse I can get better fps in AAA games with something like two 660s. So shoud I get 8350 or i7 and 660 or 7870? Im usually editing and gaming. I heard 7870 cf isnt working too good. So please help :D

I have a fx8350 and cf 7870s on a sabertooth 990fx with no problems. Im also using a ssd which has a noticible performance diffrence and i dont think you would se that much of a diffrence from i5 and a fx8350. The 660s are better at editing then the 7870s. but most amd platforms dont support sli. The board that i have does support it but i dont know how well it works.

amd cards work better with amd cpu's

that's just a myth there is no evidence to support it

Thanks for reply! im looking at some Asus boards that can support sli and they are actually pretty cheap. Do you find any bottleneck with 8350 since u are crossfiring?

Its hard to say if there is a bottleneck but i dont think so. The cpu never runs at 100 % when i max out the gpus.


Ok. Thanks for replying :)

i would say FX8350 with decent 990FX chipset board.

Asus Rog

Asrock Extreme 9

Asus Sabbertooth.

Sapphire 7950  if you plan a crosfire, or a 7970 vapor X

Or if there is a reason for you to need Cuda core and phsyx then a EVGA GTX670/680

that is what i should get for.



what's you budget?