New build, same HDDs: Need to reinstall Windows?

Hello to you fellow Tekkers!

Being on an non-OC'd i7-920 that's starting to ache, I'm planning on moving onto a mini-ITX Haswell system — a 4670k inside a BitFenix Prodigy (possibly the Prodigy M refresh when it comes along) — but I want to keep my two Seagate Barraccuda 1 TB HDDs. The C: drive is only 20% or so full, but it has a volley of programs with registration keys (Vegas, Photoshop) and important magic stuffing on it.

The problem is, my current Windows installation is OEM: it's a Dell computer I bought back in 2010 (hence why I can't overclock the 920).

How should I exactly go about this? Will I have to reinstall Windows? Get a new license?

Thank you for taking your time to read this and helping me.

I've been asked to re-activate my windows previously when I put my HDD into a friend's system, so I suspect the same might happen to you too. Not sure if you'll be able to carry the license over.

Welp, guess I'll have to phone up MS tech support or spread my cheeks and buy my own license.
Buying a prebuilt PC and not even owning the Windows license. One of the great errors of my life, that. 

I did this before, transfered a 500GB from a pre-built PC to my new custom built one. Everything will work fine, just remember to remove the drivers and install new ones for ur new PC.