So a while back I posted that was having an issue with my new build. After some help from the community I found out I had a bad motherboard and I went the the RMA process. I then got my new motherboard and put the PC together only to have another issue. The PC turns on for about 20 seconds, shuts off and turns back on, but it doesn't shutdown randomly afterwards. I also have no peripherals or display which lead me to believe maybe it was an issue with the front panel headers. Needless to say, it wasn't the front panel headers or any other connection problem. I have no POST speaker so beep codes are out of the question, what's wrong with my PC? Thank you all for taking the time to read this and help me out.
I still haven't found out what's wrong with my PC but some progress has been made. I let my friends father who works in tech look at the PC. He removed the GPU and my mouse and keyboard started working. I still have no display though as my CPU has no iGPU. Any ideas as to what could be wrong any help is greatly appreciated.
I am slow display but light came on on mouse and keyboard ? Try another slot for graohic card, if available; otherwise test with another display adapter. Please take great care in discharging yourself from static charges in handling components. Try removing mouse and keyb to see if it boots to bios at least. edit = with display of course
I can't move my GPU to another slot due to the limitations of my ITX board. However I've tried everything everything else you've mentioned. Also yes with the GPU removed I get everything but a display, with it in I get nothing.
Hi ! I would, from what I can deduct) that the display adapter must have a resource requirement that is also required byn the motherboard, or vise versa, bottom line they step on each others toes, And we know that mostly a computer will not boot if display is compromised. Get anything that displays or another adapter; you are at that point..............disconnect hdd/ssd/and optical also for one test. remove everything except monitor, display adapter and nothing else (mobo, psu, display adapt, monitor of course)
edit = first base get the rig to boot, even if it is naked = step one
At this point. remove cooling solution for cpu, unseat cpu and check for damaged, or spotted or simply dirty with heat sink compound. There is something somewhere preventing boot. Is cpu detected by bios ? did you google your combination to see if anyone else has similar prob. (here is a great start, by the way.) As a last resort, remove mobo from case and start with test sequence. BE VERY CAREFUL TO CONTROL THIS TESTING ENVIRONMENT SO YOU DO NOT GROUND OR SHORT ANYTHING. somehow: YOU MUST FIND A REFERENCE POINT FROM WHICH YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TROUBLE SHOOT.
There were no damage spots that I saw from my examination of the CPU and motherboard. I don't know if the CPU is detected by the BIOS because I don't have any display. I have googled my CPU and motherboard combination and I found one person that said it was working fine. I will have to try a testing environment when I get home I suppose, thanks for the help so far.