So I just got the last of my parts installed in my new build. I plug everything in and push the power button. The fans, lights and hdd start up but nothing comes up on the screen. The CPULED light is on i'm not sure what I can do to get the system going.
So I checked to make sure everything was pluged in I found tha when turned the powersupply swich on it starts the system without me pushing the power button. Do you know if that is normal?
My dad configured his desktop (I think it's in the bios) to turn on when ever power is shut off/on again. He lives on part of the grid where the power shuts off more often than he would like. Since he uses it alot for remote access, if the power goes out during the day and then comes back on, the computer automatically starts back up so my dad can do what ever remotely.
Every thing seems to be pluged in corectly. I think that the psu might not be working and there is no power geting to the cpu. I will see if my brother will let me take his system apart so I can test this.
If you are getting a red led for QLED which is the onboard diagnostic led it is generally an indicator to intialization.
1. Reseat the CPU and ensure you do not have any bent pins
2. Attempt to CLR the CMOS ( with no CPU installed )
3. Install just one single dimm and see if the board posts.
Additionally follow the advised memory installation configuration
first dimm bank A2 by its self and then if two dimms and A2 and B2.
Lastly in the posibility you have a corrupted UEFI you may want to attempt to update the UEFI directly via USB BIOS FLASHBACK
Just download the UEFI on another system and download the UEFI ( BIOS Utility )
Bios Renamer for USB BIOS Flashback 1.Put Bios file and Bios renamer in same folder ( this would be the UEFI you download from ) Current build is 1503. 2.Execute the Utility 3.Use new Bios file for USB BIOS Flashback.
From there connect ot the USB BIOS FLASHBACK ports and hold down the button and directly overwrite/update the UEFI ( The system does not need a CPU, Memory or Graphics Card just PSU Power ).
well i have seen something like this before in my time, and it turns out it was a bent pin on the mobo (because it was an intel system). Look at your processor very carefully and make sure that nothing is bent or touching,
and like posted by illuminatiASUS, just put the bare minimum into the system and tests to see if it posts