New build for gaming and hobby

I was wondering what would be the best choice of parts to make my new gaming rig. Purpose of the build are Gaming, Streaming, Photoshop, and wanting to have something like a speed demon. I wanted to build this around the corsair 250D since I've wanted to use an ITX for a while and I only use the PCI slots for a GPU anyways. Costs can go up to $2,000.

For gaming I'd like to have mostly 60+ FPS at 1080 Res. while playing games like BF3, BF4, LoL, CoD, Total War:Rome 2, Tera, and other first person shooter games.

CPU: Not sure if I'd need a 4770K or 4670K or something that I don't know that can do a better job.

(would like to OC a bit as well)

CPU Cooling: Corsair H105

GPU: 780Ti

Mobo Choices:


If there was a better ITX motherboard that was in CES then I wouldn't mind waiting for it to release.


HHD: Samsung 256 SSD

PSU: Not certain yet, I've heard of the ones that blow out the dust in the beginning of boot but not sure which one it was. Do they work good?

If I could get any pointers that'd be awesome, thanks in advance! Here's what you asked for... Unfortunately the 250D is not available on pcpartpicker yet, so I put in the CM 130 Elite as a rough size approximate. The 250D will be more expensive obviously, so this build will run you ~$2000

thanks, so is the 4770k better for streaming than the 4670k? is 4770k alot better?

in games, the i7 and the i5 are pretty simular (at least atm since games don't YET utilize more than 4 cores), but for streaming the i7 will be a better solution. But when it comes to productivity, the i7 will be loads faster than the i5 due tu hyper threading

what about the 8350 i hear it the best for streaming an is about 175$ cheaper.

Do the current Haswell i7s still have that crappy IHS? did they ever change it? Or should i just lap it? (i have lapped my Q6600 before and works great still)

well sure just link me a Mini-ITX am3+ board

If you're not looking to massively overclock, the IHS with the cheap thermal paste works just fine.  You can delid and lap if you want to do some extreme stuff, but in general, the IHS on the haswell chips is functional.