New build crashed, looking for help troubleshooting

Just finished a new build for my son (parts list here.) Ryzen 7 1700, Asrock Fatal1ty X370 ITX/ac motherboard, HyperX Fury 2400 (1x8GB, loaner from my PC til prices settle down a little.) Booted fine, worked really well for about 24 hours. Suddenly shut off and won’t restart. Press the power button and the PSU fan spins for about a half second, but nothing else. When you press power again, nothing, not even the fan spin.

I disassembled the entire thing and boarded it with just CPU, the single stick of RAM. Touched the power jumper and it turned on just fine (well, no video, so can’t say fine, but CPU fan was spinning and appeared to be running.) Did that 2 or 3 times, looked good. Reseated GPU to see if it was actually booting, dead again. Took GPU back out, stayed dead. Wouldn’t spin up at all, occasionally the PSU would twitch.

Reset CMOS, nothing. Tested the PSU, a brand new Seasonic Focus+ Gold, with a Thermaltake tester, all cables working normally.

I’m leaning towards RMAing the board, since I recently had issues with another Asrock board, but thought I’d check here first.

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Sounds like your PCIe x16 has a short in it. I haven’t heard anything good about this round of fatality boards so you might lean onto something else.

You’ve tried your RAM one at a time in different slots, correct?

If it’s not booting at all with nothing but the CPU and a stick of RAM plugged in then you’ll probably have to RMA the board.

When you get the new board I’d first try booting with a different GPU just in case.

If it’s within the “return no problem” timeframe that would be my first thought.